Thursday, May 13, 2010

Football Face Painting theme- Bonuslink catalogue

A Football Face Painting theme was requested in conjunction with the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. Preparations were made in the studio for this Bonuslink catalogue. The boys worked dedicatedly on improving their kicks, acting skills & facial features. Impressed that they were such pros at such a young age.
Great work, guys! (to the football talents & the team at the studio for the end result). Will update with a photo of the catalogue soon.

Henna & Face Painting

Adults awaited getting theirHenna Tattoos (Mango/Paisley & Butterfly) & children excitedly queued up for Face Painting (Snow Queen, Love, flowers) at a birthday party.

Face Painting for Cheerleaders

Woke up real early for this event & did Face Painting for the Cheerleaders. This look was adapted from the Harlequin Mask.

Stencils were used for the rose design on the cheek (Japanese pigment ink used, waterproof so that it lasts longer even in the hot sun or when perspiring, but not rub proof).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Josef & Jerome's Birthday Party

Some photos from Josef & Jerome's Birthday Party. A Darth Maul stalked around...apt.. as the party had a Rockets & Spaceship theme, so it was appropriate that a Star Wars character walked into the party. The boys came in their astronaut suits & opted for rockets (hand painting design).