Friday, March 11, 2011


How to Do it yourself? Practice, practice & more practice, ha ha. Go for simple flowers, dots & swirls, then repeat the designs, & before you know it, you have an impressive, intricate design on your palms / hands. Also, the henna stain on the inner/ palm is usually darker as heat is trapped in the palms. Some artists use Oils such as minyak cap kapak or R.S. Pathy oil from Indian stores to be rubbed on the hands / palms before henna designs are drawn, as to ensure a more vibrant colour is brought out. Also, leave the henna to (1) dry naturally for at least One Hour or more (NO waving of hands or using the hair dryer!), henna will start to crack & drop after an hour, but it can still stick, so just
(2) use DRY Tissue paper or your nails to scrape it off, (3) try to AVOID water for 3-4 hours (or as long as possible), DON'T wash your henna, or the henna will fade off faster than it should . Some will leave their henna on for many hours for a lasting henna design & let it fall off by itself. Henna paste is made from leaves.

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